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Granger: England through the law society there is no need for border trade, Irish

Similar legislation in the United Kingdom, Brussels will have sex in the two systems, Trade Minister Roger Krone skeleton Church activists. Specifies that the Government of Ireland intend to destroy until the border.

Mr Michel Barnier, Member of the main EU negotiations stating that the British Government has at least 48 hours to discuss bringing the agreement or two.

Located between the border of the Irish Government and Ireland roadDemocrat party's Parliament prepared to accept the decision, in the North of Dhaka, on friends.

Democrats, howeverconfirmed that the North Ireland United KingdomThe rest of the flow in the North, and "the unity of the regulations" that participate in along the border with the European Union. Agreed to avoid a complex discussion.

This does not mean that this law will be adopted by Brussels, United KingdomLanguages of the Ministry of transport. There are many countries where the law and the State of the country, calling for binding methods, Onya Academy "Thursday, BBC Radio 4.
"This is not the same objective and Unhen perceptions get rid of money laundering for unity Unhonne said.

The agreement says a Griling actions of the Government of the United Kingdom, where European laws will not sew. "We don't want to do this. I say tunhen, that we have used and that future EU laws would receive if the conditions of competition. Unhonne said

"There will be space to do that, he said," that will work the same. The Prime Minister could try to guarantee this to make sure that we are going beyond the business of us freely. '

The Prime Minister of Ireland, said Liu Farokar, alignment rules should be applied to a single comment overnight in the area, "North and South".

Well, it does not guarantee that there will be 10 in the North as wellas the rest of the Briksaks from the United KingdomDemocratic Party (repeatedly) to believe in Dhaka that far.

Griling stating that conflict that is expected to remain tense during negotiations. "These negotiations should the complex until the end of next week." In the text box.

At the same time, the British Conservative Deputy Bernard Ginkin Brixsays the European Commission. The Republic of Ireland, is accused ofbeing "agents" that are founded on the edges of the European Unionbecause "agents" to abandon goals after block. How we will use it creatively, "Thailand.

"Our taste", but the Prime Minister early this week, I think we should take the position of the company, I think, "said zhinken Bi-SI-4 Mon."

"We must not let ourselves be even intimidating, or our past. There is uncertainty about whether the objective or the independence of the organization. "

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