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The recession curve in the United States to warn?

In New York, the American economy is a strong development in their implementation in the summer, but economists seem nervous and click on the next trend in windy weather can define looking buying bonds.

While President Donald Taramers unemployment rate at the lowest level of the new high 17-year-old to Wall Street, economists worried about pillar indicators Moderator: production curve.
This means that Chief Economist Christopher every recession since 1950, said production is assigned a curve ".
This is the right program for a low ROI or return on the sidelines. -long-term storage of our loan, which typically lasts two years of 10-year bonds in connection with the notes.
Usually less investment, low efficiency and high public investment, higher risk compensation fund money for access to long-term damage.
Long-term debt short term production output in coming whatever the cause, the decline of the production curve last year during the years of the Earth, the economy's performance testifies to this certainty.
The distribution of paper 2-year Treasury and returned by December 10 December December December Jan 15-135 51 points in 2016, October 2007. Since then, the global financial crisis has since October, before seeing the lowest.
If the return is a curve spread, reflectors offer short-term loans, so a long story may be that it is not so bad, officials ignore the warning.
Chief Economist at Oxford Economics Gary Duncan says the curve of production,"the economy is shrinking."
For example, from financial services, cleaning Miskert wolves Gregory: "don't trust prospective investors curve indicates."
The main reason for the production line can be considered as Central Bank traffic is expected to grow and three Americans 2018, including three rises this year, at the end of the year 2015 from five times to increase the reference rates.
The long-term increase in production and the possibility of inflation should fluctuate. The potential impact of growth next year, but Congress approved a huge tax cut was revised as a result of the inflation target, according to the latest forecasts from Federal-partial notes cannot reach .
The Federal Reserve's preferred measure of inflation during the month of October was only 1.6 percent.
The Federal Reserve Bank-including the President of the political Committee in Minneapolis-Central two States in growth of Mr. Kashkari, said the poor on 13 December decision to wait for inflation to rise.
Directing his concerns for the political signal production curve and Kashkari noted.
"While the production curve is not broken even in the bond market, increasing our chances for growth pillars," explained his opposition to the Declaration of the rates again.
"Then you're very quickly, the Bank's policy of long-term economic forecasting crisis" Duncan warned Oxford Economics, where debt becomes more expensive.
However, Federal Reserve Chairman, Janet Lynn, which reduces anxiety.
"The production curve is changing the inclination of the cycle, I believe there aregood reasons." Iemia in a press conference last week.
He said Le, 1998 and now Greenspan Yellen bin after the financial crisis that the opposite way from his predecessors of 2006 production curve similar to the witness Bernanke might be wrong.
Les says, "Janet Lynn does the same thing."
Most analysts as to significantly reduce or even recession "2020" relapses. "
Historically, the economy has four to six boundaries of curve and since then has seen an economic crisis.
Of course, every flat curve of economic recession, and some economists as too panic agreed with Yilin.
Economist Mohammed Al-Erian, (c) Allianz, the company, the company's Chief Economist noted, the curve of production and the economy to develop consultation for several reasons, including many indicators can get.
If not, the Fed certainly can change quickly and wrote a blog post.
In addition, the ' extension ' as the rest of the world, simultaneously supports thethe development of the United States.

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